Keyboard Check - Pc
Instrument for measuring the force-displacement cycle of Silicone Keypads and Technical Articles

The Tackiness Check instrument measures the adhesion or tack of rubber materials, adhesive tapes, sealants and other materials. Tack is defined as the force required to separate two sheet materials which are compressed together for a specified time. The factors which influence the behavior of tack are: contact pressure, contact time and temperature. The instrument produced by Gibitre permits to set the test cycle and allows accurate control of adhesion force and time.

Key Features 
• Motor controlled screw with recycling of ball-bearing for the displacement of the sample (max speed 85 mm/min, stroke 50 mm)
• Displacement transducer with 0,0001 mm resolution
• Load cell for the measure of the force (Max load 25 N, Resolution 0,0001 N)
• Interchangeable indentor for the application of the force
• Full license of Gibitre FORCE-DISPLACEMENTsoftware optimized for Bar-code sample identification
• Full license of Datagest software for complete management of Gibitre SQL Database

Automatic tests on more pieces 
The software allows you to configure the automatic execution of the test cycle so that it is performed in sequence on several pieces.
It's enough:
• Select the Test Procedure to be used for the product to be tested
• Define the number of tests to be performed automatically
• Define the rotation angle of the support between one test and the next
• Position the specimen holder plate in the position corresponding to the first test
• Press start

The tests will take place automatically
The curves for the various tests will be superimposed with different colors
The curves and results will be saved in the SQL database

Software Force-Displacement Tester 9.0 
Force-Displacement Unit control software (release 9.0) for performing force displacement tests.
Program features:
The program includes:
• Pre-installed Test Procedures for performing standard test cycles
• Wizard for the preparation of fully customized test procedures
• Analysis of the force - displacement curve
• Calculation of the numerical results foreseen by the Test Procedure
• Comparison of results with tolerance limits and statistical analysis
• Storage of data and curves in Gibitre's SQL Standard database.

Test report 
Can be printed or saved to pdf in one of the available languages. The format of the Test Report can be customized by the user.

Language Selection 
All the programs produced by Gibitre are multi-language and allow the operator to select the language of use.
The test report can be produced in the desired language regardless of the language of use of the program.
The languages available at the moment are: Italian, English, German, French, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, Polish, Czech

Management of Test Results 
The results and test curves of all the tests carried out are saved in the Gibitre SQL database and are available through the Datagest program.

Datagest is the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) which is always installed in combination with all Gibitre instrument-control programs.
The program is the collector for all the test result produced with the instruments connected and permits to manage the common Archives used by the instruments (Product List, Customer List, Tolerance limits, Order List, etc)

Industry 4.0 integration 
The instrument and the software have been specifically developed to optimize integration with other environments.
The database in SQL format and the Gibitre_Company_Connect program allows you synchronize your company management software with Gibitre database and to speed up the identification of the tests and to use bar-code readers or similar devices.


Intechangeable Feelers 
The feelers can have different shapes or diameters depending on the product to be tested.
The probes are fixed to the instrument by means of a magnetic attachment and can be replaced in a few seconds.

Hardware requirements 
• Programs can be installed on standard PCs with WINDOWS 10 or 11 OPERATING SYSTEM.
• The CONNECTION between the instruments and the PC is made using the USB CABLE supplied with the instrument.
• The programs are COMPATIBLE WITH ANTIVIRUS, and other programs installed on the PC.

Development and production 
The instrument is totally developed and produced in the plant of Gibitre Instruments in Italy.
All the mechanical parts are produced in the company workshop using modern CNC machines.
Components and sensors from well-known brands are selected in order to ensure the maximum reliability in the measures
Internal trained personnel takes care of all the production stages: assembly, start-up, calibration, packing, shipment and installation.

Test Cycle 
Customer-defined test cycle with adjustable force-time application 
Load Cell 
Max load: 50 N, Resolution: 0.001 N 
Sample Displacement 
Motor controlled screw with ball-screw system. Max speed: 85 mm/min. Stroke: 50 mm. Resolution: 0.0001 mm 
Tool for the application of the force 
Interchangeable indentor, designed for easy preparation and cleaning of the contact surface 

Gibitre Instruments
Via dell'industria, 18
Bergamo (Italy)
te. +39 035 461146

Copyright Gibitre Instruments
Instrument for measuring the force-displacement cycle of Silicone Keypads and Technical Articles

Keyboard Check - Pc

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Instrument for measuring the force-displacement cycle of Silicone Keypads and Technical Articles
Why Choose Keyboard Check ?
The Tackiness Check instrument measures the adhesion or tack of rubber materials, adhesive tapes, sealants and other materials. Tack is defined as the force required to separate two sheet materials which are compressed together for a specified time. The factors which influence the behavior of tack are: contact pressure, contact time and temperature. The instrument produced by Gibitre permits to set the test cycle and allows accurate control of adhesion force and time.
Key Features 
• Motor controlled screw with recycling of ball-bearing for the displacement of the sample (max speed 85 mm/min, stroke 50 mm)
• Displacement transducer with 0,0001 mm resolution
• Load cell for the measure of the force (Max load 25 N, Resolution 0,0001 N)
• Interchangeable indentor for the application of the force
• Full license of Gibitre FORCE-DISPLACEMENTsoftware optimized for Bar-code sample identification
• Full license of Datagest software for complete management of Gibitre SQL Database
Automatic tests on more pieces 
The software allows you to configure the automatic execution of the test cycle so that it is performed in sequence on several pieces.
It's enough:
• Select the Test Procedure to be used for the product to be tested
• Define the number of tests to be performed automatically
• Define the rotation angle of the support between one test and the next
• Position the specimen holder plate in the position corresponding to the first test
• Press start

The tests will take place automatically
The curves for the various tests will be superimposed with different colors
The curves and results will be saved in the SQL database
Software Force-Displacement Tester 9.0 
Force-Displacement Unit control software (release 9.0) for performing force displacement tests.
Program features:
The program includes:
• Pre-installed Test Procedures for performing standard test cycles
• Wizard for the preparation of fully customized test procedures
• Analysis of the force - displacement curve
• Calculation of the numerical results foreseen by the Test Procedure
• Comparison of results with tolerance limits and statistical analysis
• Storage of data and curves in Gibitre's SQL Standard database.
Test report 
Can be printed or saved to pdf in one of the available languages. The format of the Test Report can be customized by the user.
Example of Test Report (Micro IRHD)
Language Selection 
All the programs produced by Gibitre are multi-language and allow the operator to select the language of use.
The test report can be produced in the desired language regardless of the language of use of the program.
The languages available at the moment are: Italian, English, German, French, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, Polish, Czech
Data Management
Management of Test Results 
The results and test curves of all the tests carried out are saved in the Gibitre SQL database and are available through the Datagest program.

Datagest is the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) which is always installed in combination with all Gibitre instrument-control programs.
The program is the collector for all the test result produced with the instruments connected and permits to manage the common Archives used by the instruments (Product List, Customer List, Tolerance limits, Order List, etc)
Industry 4.0 integration 
The instrument and the software have been specifically developed to optimize integration with other environments.
The database in SQL format and the Gibitre_Company_Connect program allows you synchronize your company management software with Gibitre database and to speed up the identification of the tests and to use bar-code readers or similar devices.
Intechangeable Feelers 
The feelers can have different shapes or diameters depending on the product to be tested.
The probes are fixed to the instrument by means of a magnetic attachment and can be replaced in a few seconds.
Hardware requirements 
• Programs can be installed on standard PCs with WINDOWS 10 or 11 OPERATING SYSTEM.
• The CONNECTION between the instruments and the PC is made using the USB CABLE supplied with the instrument.
• The programs are COMPATIBLE WITH ANTIVIRUS, and other programs installed on the PC.
Development and production 
The instrument is totally developed and produced in the plant of Gibitre Instruments in Italy.
All the mechanical parts are produced in the company workshop using modern CNC machines.
Components and sensors from well-known brands are selected in order to ensure the maximum reliability in the measures
Internal trained personnel takes care of all the production stages: assembly, start-up, calibration, packing, shipment and installation.
Technical specification
Test Cycle  Customer-defined test cycle with adjustable force-time application  Load Cell  Max load: 50 N, Resolution: 0.001 N  Sample Displacement  Motor controlled screw with ball-screw system. Max speed: 85 mm/min. Stroke: 50 mm. Resolution: 0.0001 mm  Tool for the application of the force  Interchangeable indentor, designed for easy preparation and cleaning of the contact surface 
Extended product brochure

General catalogue mail request

Calibration certificate
CE certificate
Tensor Check Profile - PC
See also   >
Tensor-Check Software
See also   >
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