Generation of Test Reports
The version 10 programs integrate interesting options to generate reports according to your needs and much more.

Overview about Report Generation 
All results and test curves are saved and are printable at any time through the Datagest program supplied together with all Gibitre software.
However, the instrument management programs allow you to directly produce the reports at the end of a serie of tests.
All reports can be produced in digital format (PDF file) without the need to produce a paper print.

Report Preparation Page 
The Report Setup Page permits to:
• Select the printout Language
• Edit Test Identification
• Print one single test / a group tests
• Print the Limits of Tolerance
• Print Statistical Results
• Print Legend with explanation of results
• Print Operator Signature
• Print Personalized Notes

Report in the Language of your customer 
Testing is an important and expensive activity. Enhance your work by sending your client a report in his language.

Printout of Test Curves 
The Test Reports include the management of the printing of the Test Curves with different colors.
The colors are repeated next to the corresponding numerical results for immediate identification.
In addition, you can:
• Print the zoomed curves
• View the graphical tolerance limits

Prepare your test Report 
The options available on the Report Preparation Page allow you to modify the structure according to your needs.
In addition, the Software includes a Report Editor which allows you to:
• Create copies of the default Report format
• Change them to your liking
• Save the new product formats
• Select which format you want to use for printing

Gibitre Instruments
Via dell'industria, 18
Bergamo (Italy)
te. +39 035 461146

Copyright Gibitre Instruments
The version 10 programs integrate interesting options to generate reports according to your needs and much more.

Generation of Test Reports

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The version 10 programs integrate interesting options to generate reports according to your needs and much more.
Overview about Report Generation 
All results and test curves are saved and are printable at any time through the Datagest program supplied together with all Gibitre software.
However, the instrument management programs allow you to directly produce the reports at the end of a serie of tests.
All reports can be produced in digital format (PDF file) without the need to produce a paper print.
Report Preparation Page 
The Report Setup Page permits to:
• Select the printout Language
• Edit Test Identification
• Print one single test / a group tests
• Print the Limits of Tolerance
• Print Statistical Results
• Print Legend with explanation of results
• Print Operator Signature
• Print Personalized Notes
Report in the Language of your customer 
Testing is an important and expensive activity. Enhance your work by sending your client a report in his language.
Printout of Test Curves 
The Test Reports include the management of the printing of the Test Curves with different colors.
The colors are repeated next to the corresponding numerical results for immediate identification.
In addition, you can:
• Print the zoomed curves
• View the graphical tolerance limits
Prepare your test Report 
The options available on the Report Preparation Page allow you to modify the structure according to your needs.
In addition, the Software includes a Report Editor which allows you to:
• Create copies of the default Report format
• Change them to your liking
• Save the new product formats
• Select which format you want to use for printing
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